When God brought you into my life, I knew from the very beginning that there was a reason. He pricked my heart with a measure of His unconditional love and divine compassion, especially when I learned about your story of suffering. I could plainly see the gaping hole in your heart. Pain and heartache was evident in your eyes. I knew you needed Jesus . . . but you hesitate to give your heart to Him.
I have watched in agony as you continue through life, trying to make it on your own strength. Each time you fall down, my heart breaks a little more. In my mind’s eye I envision you one day running into the arms of Jesus, your Savior . . . but in reality I know that day may never come. The choice is up to you to accept Christ. He will never force you. And I can’t will it to happen. But I can pray for you; and I do every day. In fact, the Lord brings you to mind constantly. The only other thing I can do is find ways to love you, and tell you from my own experience how Jesus Christ has changed my life -- and hope that it touches your heart.
Admittedly, I have never gone through circumstances exactly like yours. I cannot relate to all of your experiences. But I have suffered. I have been rejected by others, by people I thought loved me. I have experienced loss and deep depression. I know what it is to walk through a valley. I know what it is to be stuck in a pit and see no way out. I have been mad at God, and felt let down by Him. I have doubted God’s love for me, and even the truth of Jesus. I have cried out for God’s help and heard nothing but silence.
BUT THEN . . . Jesus Christ, the Son of God, reached down from Heaven and touched my life. He sent specific people to encourage me and point me to the truth. It was like I had been walking around blind, with scales over my eyes. But His touch made them all fall away, and finally I could clearly see – Jesus loves me. And He loves you! I hope that simple truth comforts you as much as it does me. God showed me that He had been by my side through every single hurt. Even when I had messed everything up and done wrong, He was still there telling me how much He loves me.
And this is what I hope you will one day come to see and understand. God created you, and He has a purpose for your life. He knew that you were going to mess up along the way (because we all do), so He sent His Son Jesus Christ to live on earth as a perfect man and then die on a cross to take your punishment. He didn’t deserve to die, because He never did anything wrong. We are the ones who are tainted, and incapable of getting to Heaven on our own. But the good news is, He didn’t stay dead for long! On the third day after his death, He came back to life to show His power over death. And this power over death is passed on to us when we accept Jesus for who He is and ask Him to come into our lives. When we leave this earth through death, we won’t really die but will join Him in Heaven forever and ever. And He is preparing such wonderful things for us there, we can’t even fathom them.
Accepting Jesus is so simple. He wants it to be simple, like us coming to Him as a little child. All you need to do is believe in your heart that Jesus is God’s Son and that He died and came back to life for you. Then, confess it out loud! Tell someone about it.
And it doesn’t stop there. Jesus wants to be a part of your life while you’re still here on earth, too. Invite Him to come into your heart and mind. Talk to Him every day, whether you’re thanking Him for the good things He’s doing for you, or asking Him for help with your struggles. Because He has promised to never leave you. And He always keeps His promises.
He’s waiting for you to come to Him. And I’m waiting too. No matter how long it takes.